This week has been one of those weeks for me where I can’t help but notice all of the little “imperfections” and to-do’s in our home. The nail hole I need to patch. The window that still needs curtains. The laundry room that is never clear. The list goes on. The pressure to be perfect is ever-present and it comes at us from all angles – social media, news, friends, family, co-workers.
As a type A personality and as a designer, I often feel the pressure to have a perfect home. Do a quick Google search and you’ll find thousands of articles just like this one showing that clearly, I’m not the only one. When I look around and see evidence of a home well-lived in, rather than a home that’s worthy of a magazine cover, there’s an internal struggle that leaves me wondering. Am I doing enough? Is everyone else able to stay on top of this? How can I help others design their homes (my dream job!) when mine still isn’t finished?
But here’s the thing. When I envision my perfect home – sure, it’s beautiful. But it’s also just the setting for the videos that are playing in my imagination. The kids telling me about their day at the kitchen counter. The summer days when we’re sipping sweet tea on the porch. The cozy movie nights when it’s snowing outside, the fire is on, and we’re all snuggled up under the blanket. The annual Christmas party when we host our closest friends. Our homes are the backdrop to our lives. They aren’t, themselves, the life.
Whoa. That’s a mindset shift, right?
So yes, I will get around to hanging that art. Patching that nail hole. Designing the laundry room to function better. But perfection is a moving target, and I know that as soon as I cross one of those off the list, I’ll add something else to take its place. That’s life. It’s normal. I can’t spend my time spinning my wheels and wishing I could stay on top of all of this, because I’m busy building the life I’m dreaming of. I’m raising two beautiful, amazing children with my husband of 14 years. I’m starting a business. I’m making a career change. My mind is rightfully focused on creating the life of my dreams…and that involves helping you, and others, create the homes you love (even if mine still needs some work).
If you too feel this pressure – the pressure to be perfect. The pressure to have it all together. Go easy on yourself. I can help you make your home beautiful, but the important part is the life you’re living in your home. If that’s good, then the rest of it is just the cherry on top.
Happy Friday, friends!
Such an inspiring and uplifting blog. I will be happy to refer you to my friends and the realtors I know. You go, girl!
Thank you so much, Brenda! That means a lot to me!